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04/12/2023 08h47 Atualizado 04/12/2023
Pensador e ativista quilombola N�go Bispo �
: Divulga��o/CCOM
O?? presidente Lula lamentou, nessa segunda (4), a morte do pensador quilombola Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos, o N�go Bispo, aos 63?? anos, nesse domingo (3). Al�m dele, outros pol�ticos, artistas e ativistas comentaram e lamentaram o falecimento do piauiense que foi?? um fil�sofo, poeta, escritor, professor e ativista pol�tico. Saiba mais.
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Ele atuou em?? movimentos sociais e em organiza��es de defesa de quilombolas. Ele publicou tr�s livros e dezenas de artigos sobre a hist�ria?? de luta do povo negro e prop�s o conceito de contra-colonialismo, uma atitude de refor�ar a cultura, pr�ticas, organiza��o social,?? todas as manifesta��es coletivas de povos colonizados contra os esfor�os de imposi��o dos colonizadores.
Nego Bispo nasceu em 12 de dezembro?? de 1959, no vale do Rio Berlengas, regi�o da cidade de Francin�polis, e viveu boa parte de100 giros gratis betanovida no?? Quilombo Saco-Curtume, em S�o Jo�o do Piau�, cidade onde faleceu. Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos completaria 64 anos no dia 12?? de dezembro. Ele deixa a esposa Edileusa, dois filhos biol�gicos, quatro netos, centenas de filhos, netos e irm�os que ele?? adotou durante a vida, al�m de milhares de admiradores e leitores.
Leia tamb�m:
Morre o pensador quilombola Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos, conhecido?? como N�go BispoN�go Bispo, ser� sepultado no quilombo onde viveuSaiba quem foi o pensador quilombola N�go Bispo
Morre o pensador quilombola?? Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos, conhecido como N�go Bispo
Veja a repercuss�o:
Presidente Lula: "O Brasil perdeu um importante intelectual quilombola. O piauiense?? Nego Bispo foi autor de livros, poemas e artigos, al�m de um ativista social importante das comunidades tradicionais que constituem?? parte importante da nossa identidade. Meus sentimentos aos amigos e familiares por essa perda."
Minist�rio da Igualdade Racial: "Lamentamos a partida?? de Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos, um dos nomes mais importantes na constru��o do pensamento negro brasileiro. Nascido em 1959, no?? Vale do Rio Berlengas, Piau�, N�go Bispo - como era conhecido - foi um intelectual quilombola negro que colocava os?? saberes org�nicos como fundamentais para a constru��o de um pensamento �contra-colonial� e deixa um legado gigante para a preserva��o da?? cultura e identidade quilombola. Prestamos condol�ncias � fam�lia e amigos. Sua mem�ria seguir� guiando nossos passos rumo a um Brasil?? pela Igualdade Racial."
Ministra da Igualdade Racial, Anielle Franco: "Ontem fomos dormir com a dolorosa not�cia da morte de N�go Bispo,?? um dos maiores intelectuais e pensadores do Brasil. Sua sabedoria ancestral e quilombola estar� pra sempre conosco. Lamento muito a?? dor da fam�lia e dos mais pr�ximos e garanto que todos os ensinamentos seguir�o como legado. Descanse em paz!"
Ministro de?? Estado dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania do Brasil, Silvio Almeida: "Lamentamos imensamente a morte de Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos,?? o Nego Bispo. Este importante pensador brasileiro e ativista quilombola deixa um legado inesquec�vel para a cultura nacional."
Deputado federal Guilherme?? Boulos: "Lamento profundamente o falecimento de Nego Bispo, uma grande refer�ncia na luta quilombola e anticolonial, e um dos grandes?? pensadores desta �poca. Um abra�o a toda100 giros gratis betanofam�lia e amigos".
Deputada federal Benedita da Silva: "Uma perda imensa para o?? nosso povo. Nego Bispo lutou a cada dia pelos quilombolas e pela valoriza��o da cultura negra. Meus sentimentos aos familiares.?? Que seu legado seja sempre protegido e seus ensinamentos sejam eternos."
Ministro do Desenvolvimento e Assist�ncia Social, Fam�lia e Combate �?? Fome do Brasil, Wellington Dias: "Hoje o movimento Quilombola, o Piau� e o Brasil perdeu uma voz que ecoou em?? nossos cora��es e nos ensinou muito. N�go Bispo foi e sempre ser� um mestre que, como ningu�m, falou sobre repara��o?? hist�rica, respeito �s lutas e sobre o direito de viver dignamente".
Geled�s, Instituto da Mulher Negra: "� com profundo pesar que?? Geled�s Instituto da Mulher Negra recebe a triste not�cia do falecimento do fil�sofo e ativista quilombola, Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos,?? conhecido como Nego Bispo, aos 63 anos de idade. Neste domingo, 03 de dezembro, Nego Bispo faz100 giros gratis betanopassagem para?? o Orun, deixando um legado significativo para a literatura e o pensamento quilombola. A Coordena��o Nacional de Articula��o das Comunidades?? Negras Rurais Quilombolas (Conaq) expressou seu pesar em rela��o � partida do ativista, ressaltando que100 giros gratis betanovoz singular ecoar� no?? cen�rio liter�rio e no pensamento quilombola. Neste momento de perda, a Conac estende suas condol�ncias � fam�lia, amigos e admiradores?? de Nego Bispo, reafirmando a import�ncia de honrar seu legado e perpetuar suas ideias."
Governador do Piau�, Rafael Fonteles: "O Piau�?? perdeu hoje uma das maiores refer�ncias da luta quilombola no pa�s. Morador do Quilombo Saco-Curtume, em S�o Jo�o do Piau�,?? Nego Bispo usou seu saber ancestral para escrever artigos, poemas e livros que ficam como um importante legado para todos?? n�s. Meus sentimentos � fam�lia e aos amigos, e que Deus o receba em seu descanso eterno."
Ativista pelos direitos dos?? trabalhadores Paulo Galo: "Estivemos juntos na Bahia no encontro da @teiadospovos e no rio no evento da @Abrapso dois momentos?? de grande aprendizado pra mim, descanse em paz pra um novo come�o QUILOMBOLA nois se ve por ai!".
Coordena��o Nacional de?? Articula��o dos Quilombos (Conaq): "� com profundo pesar que lamentamos a partida de Ant�nio Bispo dos Santos, uma voz singular?? e significativa no �mbito da literatura e do pensamento quilombola. Nascido em 1959, no Vale do Rio Berlengas, Piau�. Formou-se?? pelos ensinamentos de mestras e mestres de of�cio do quilombo Saco-Curtume, munic�pio de S�o Jo�o do Piau�. Sua contribui��o inestim�vel?? para a compreens�o e preserva��o da cultura e identidade quilombola ser� lembrada e reverenciada por gera��es. Neste momento de perda,?? expressamos nossas condol�ncias � fam�lia, amigos e admiradores, e reafirmamos a import�ncia de honrar seu legado e perpetuar suas ideias.?? Que100 giros gratis betanomem�ria inspire e ilumine o caminho daqueles que seguem a luta pela valoriza��o e reconhecimento das comunidades quilombolas."
Pastor?? Henrique Vieira: "Perdemos um dos maiores pensadores da nossa �poca. Nego Bispo fez a passagem e deixou aqui um legado?? enorme para o pensamento negro brasileiro. Um fraterno abra�o a toda100 giros gratis betanofam�lia e amigos."
Professora e ativista ind�gena C�lia Xakriab�:?? "Lamento profundamente partida do nosso grandioso mestre Nego Bispo, mas que deixa um legado ineg�vel guiado pela for�a da ancestralidade.?? Meus sentimentos a todos os familiares e amigos".
Escritor, apresentador, professor e mestre em educa��o pela UFRJ, Jo�o Raphael: "Hoje me?? despe�o em l�grimas de um dos maiores pensadores do nosso tempo. Conheci Nego Bispo ainda no mestrado, em 2023, de?? l� pra c� foram v�rias as oportunidades que o mestre me deu de aprender de seu conhecimento ancestral, tomando cacha�a?? ele me ensinou que um boi jamais vai deixar de ser colonizado, por isso a luta � sempre contra o?? colonizador. Rindo, ele me ensinou que o melhor lugar de se guardar o peixe � no rio ou no mar,?? onde ele se reproduz, me ensinou que Palmares, Canudos, Pau de Colher e Caldeir�es s�o exemplos m�ximos da resist�ncia do?? povo preto e quilombola do Brasil. Fazendo todo mundo tirar os sapatos ele me ensinou que nossos p�s s�o lindos,?? pois eles nos sustentam tal qual nossa ancestralidade. QUE DESCANSE NO PODER, NEGO BISPO! 'Eu vou falar de n�s ganhando,?? por que pra falar de n�s perdendo eles j� falam'. - Nego Bispo, um dos maiores pensadores vivos no Brasil?? moderno."
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Best E-soccer Players on Bet365
Below you will find a ranking of the best e-soccer
players, 10 minutes Live Arena, 12?? min GT Leagues and fifa 8 min Esoccer Battle, at
Bet365 for esports betting based on matches played in the?? last 3 months.
* Updated
Ranking of Esoccer Battle Players (8 minutes) 1. best player of Esoccer
Battle on Bet365: upcake22?? Plays better with teams Al-nassr and Fc Barcelona. Upcake22
won 54% of the matches, lost 19% e tied 27% matches?? with an average of 2.1 goals scored
and 1.35 goals conceded per match. 2. best player of Esoccer Battle on?? Bet365: taz
Plays better with teams Real Madrid and Paris Saint-germain. Taz won 53% of the
matches, lost 28% e?? tied 19% matches with an average of 3.06 goals scored and 2.22
goals conceded per match. 3. best player of?? Esoccer Battle on Bet365: maxa Plays better
with teams Paris Saint-germain and France. Maxa won 52% of the matches, lost?? 28% e tied
20% matches with an average of 2.89 goals scored and 2.15 goals conceded per match. 4.
best?? player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: perapanamera Plays better with teams France
and England. Perapanamera won 49% of the matches,?? lost 28% e tied 23% matches with an
average of 2.71 goals scored and 2 goals conceded per match. 5.?? best player of Esoccer
Battle on Bet365: kybuch Plays better with teams Inter and Fc Bayern Munchen. Kybuch
won 48%?? of the matches, lost 27% e tied 25% matches with an average of 1.84 goals
scored and 1.31 goals conceded?? per match. 6. best player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365:
special Plays better with teams Real Madrid . Special won?? 47% of the matches, lost 36%
e tied 17% matches with an average of 2.74 goals scored and 2.37 goals?? conceded per
match. 7. best player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: djamik_afc Plays better with teams
Inter and Spain. Djamik_afc?? won 46% of the matches, lost 29% e tied 24% matches with an
average of 1.67 goals scored and 1.3?? goals conceded per match. 8. best player of
Esoccer Battle on Bet365: kalibrikon Plays better with teams Italy and Fc?? Bayern
Munchen. Kalibrikon won 46% of the matches, lost 36% e tied 19% matches with an average
of 2 goals?? scored and 1.56 goals conceded per match. 9. best player of Esoccer Battle
on Bet365: aleksis Plays better with teams?? Italy and Spain. Aleksis won 45% of the
matches, lost 33% e tied 22% matches with an average of 1.52?? goals scored and 1.42
goals conceded per match. 10. best player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: rodja Plays
better with?? teams Bayer 04 Leverkusen and Roma. Rodja won 44% of the matches, lost 32%
e tied 24% matches with an?? average of 1.82 goals scored and 1.5 goals conceded per
match. 11. best player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: apenko_17?? Plays better with teams
Borussia Dortmund and Napoli. Apenko_17 won 44% of the matches, lost 27% e tied 29%
matches?? with an average of 1.91 goals scored and 1.53 goals conceded per match. 12.
best player of Esoccer Battle on?? Bet365: jekunam Plays better with teams Germany and
Al-hilal. Jekunam won 44% of the matches, lost 34% e tied 22%?? matches with an average
of 2.12 goals scored and 1.9 goals conceded per match. 13. best player of Esoccer
Battle?? on Bet365: sef Plays better with teams Milan and Roma. Sef won 44% of the
matches, lost 28% e tied?? 28% matches with an average of 1.92 goals scored and 1.57
goals conceded per match. 14. best player of Esoccer?? Battle on Bet365: vicmestro Plays
better with teams France and Newcastle United. Vicmestro won 43% of the matches, lost
34%?? e tied 22% matches with an average of 2.14 goals scored and 1.88 goals conceded per
match. 15. best player?? of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: rubix Plays better with teams
Atletico Madrid and France. Rubix won 43% of the matches,?? lost 28% e tied 29% matches
with an average of 2.02 goals scored and 1.7 goals conceded per match. 16.?? best player
of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: boki Plays better with teams Bayer 04 Leverkusen and Fc
Barcelona. Boki won?? 41% of the matches, lost 38% e tied 21% matches with an average of
2.02 goals scored and 1.94 goals?? conceded per match. 17. best player of Esoccer Battle
on Bet365: buconi Plays better with teams Fc Barcelona and France.?? Buconi won 41% of
the matches, lost 33% e tied 26% matches with an average of 1.71 goals scored and?? 1.63
goals conceded per match. 18. best player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: luigi Plays
better with teams Fc Barcelona?? and England. Luigi won 41% of the matches, lost 42% e
tied 17% matches with an average of 2.35 goals?? scored and 2.42 goals conceded per
match. 19. best player of Esoccer Battle on Bet365: fearggwp Plays better with teams
?? Al-hilal and France. Fearggwp won 40% of the matches, lost 27% e tied 33% matches with
an average of 1.69?? goals scored and 1.39 goals conceded per match. 20. best player of
Esoccer Battle on Bet365: lowheels Plays better with?? teams Liverpool and Newcastle
United. Lowheels won 40% of the matches, lost 33% e tied 27% matches with an average?? of
1.91 goals scored and 1.76 goals conceded per match. See more in the top 20 players by
subscribing to?? the Premium plan.
Ranking of Cyber Live Arena Players (10 minutes) 1.
best player of Live Arena on Bet365: joshua Plays?? better with teams Fc Barcelona and
England. Joshua won 55% of the matches, lost 28% e tied 17% matches with?? an average of
2.97 goals scored and 2.3 goals conceded per match. 2. best player of Live Arena on
Bet365:?? rafaelo Plays better with teams Tottenham Hotspur and Real Betis. Rafaelo won
54% of the matches, lost 32% e tied?? 14% matches with an average of 2.77 goals scored
and 2.24 goals conceded per match. 3. best player of Live?? Arena on Bet365: matrix Plays
better with teams Atalanta Bergamo and Fc Bayern Munchen. Matrix won 53% of the
matches,?? lost 27% e tied 20% matches with an average of 2.93 goals scored and 2.15
goals conceded per match. 4.?? best player of Live Arena on Bet365: liam Plays better
with teams Atletico Madrid and Belgium. Liam won 52% of?? the matches, lost 33% e tied
16% matches with an average of 3.09 goals scored and 2.43 goals conceded per?? match. 5.
best player of Live Arena on Bet365: palas Plays better with teams Napoli and Portugal.
Palas won 51%?? of the matches, lost 37% e tied 12% matches with an average of 2.99 goals
scored and 2.52 goals conceded?? per match. 6. best player of Live Arena on Bet365: felix
Plays better with teams Napoli and Sporting Cp. Felix?? won 51% of the matches, lost 31%
e tied 19% matches with an average of 2.64 goals scored and 2.14?? goals conceded per
match. 7. best player of Live Arena on Bet365: alexis Plays better with teams Portugal
and England.?? Alexis won 50% of the matches, lost 35% e tied 15% matches with an average
of 3.15 goals scored and?? 2.62 goals conceded per match. See more in the top 20 players
by subscribing to the Premium plan.
Ranking of GT?? Leagues Players (12 minutes) 1. best
player of GT Leagues on Bet365: spex Plays better with teams Paok and Real?? Sociedad.
Spex won 54% of the matches, lost 25% e tied 21% matches with an average of 2.64 goals
scored?? and 1.82 goals conceded per match. 2. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: val
Plays better with teams Milan?? and Aston Villa Fc. Val won 53% of the matches, lost 28%
e tied 19% matches with an average of?? 3.18 goals scored and 2.51 goals conceded per
match. 3. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: aladdin Plays better?? with teams Brighton
And Hove Albion Football Club and Real Madrid. Aladdin won 52% of the matches, lost 34%
e?? tied 14% matches with an average of 2.89 goals scored and 2.63 goals conceded per
match. 4. best player of?? GT Leagues on Bet365: punisher Plays better with teams
Newcastle United and Az. Punisher won 48% of the matches, lost?? 36% e tied 16% matches
with an average of 2.91 goals scored and 2.6 goals conceded per match. 5. best?? player
of GT Leagues on Bet365: general Plays better with teams Lille Osc and Fc Barcelona.
General won 47% of?? the matches, lost 37% e tied 17% matches with an average of 2.88
goals scored and 2.63 goals conceded per?? match. 6. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365:
mad Plays better with teams Borussia Dortmund and Fc Bayern Munchen.?? Mad won 46% of the
matches, lost 37% e tied 17% matches with an average of 3 goals scored and?? 2.68 goals
conceded per match. 7. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: aibothard Plays better with
teams Borussia Dortmund?? and Stade Rennais Fc. Aibothard won 46% of the matches, lost
35% e tied 19% matches with an average of?? 2.7 goals scored and 2.45 goals conceded per
match. 8. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: cliff Plays better?? with teams Tottenham
Hotspur and Inter. Cliff won 45% of the matches, lost 35% e tied 19% matches with an
?? average of 2.65 goals scored and 2.45 goals conceded per match. 9. best player of GT
Leagues on Bet365: raul?? Plays better with teams Stade Rennais Fc and Milan. Raul won
44% of the matches, lost 35% e tied 20%?? matches with an average of 2.75 goals scored
and 2.42 goals conceded per match. 10. best player of GT Leagues?? on Bet365: carnage
Plays better with teams Fc Bayern Munchen and Fc Barcelona. Carnage won 43% of the
matches, lost?? 37% e tied 20% matches with an average of 2.45 goals scored and 2.37
goals conceded per match. 11. best?? player of GT Leagues on Bet365: cantona Plays better
with teams Brighton And Hove Albion Football Club and Aek. Cantona?? won 43% of the
matches, lost 40% e tied 18% matches with an average of 2.62 goals scored and 2.53
?? goals conceded per match. 12. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: anthem Plays better
with teams Sevilla Fc and?? Roma. Anthem won 43% of the matches, lost 41% e tied 17%
matches with an average of 2.68 goals scored?? and 2.65 goals conceded per match. 13.
best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: pontiac Plays better with teams Fiorentina?? and
Athletic Club. Pontiac won 42% of the matches, lost 43% e tied 15% matches with an
average of 3.45?? goals scored and 3.31 goals conceded per match. 14. best player of GT
Leagues on Bet365: furious Plays better with?? teams Fc Bayern Munchen and Real Sociedad.
Furious won 42% of the matches, lost 40% e tied 18% matches with?? an average of 2.57
goals scored and 2.48 goals conceded per match. 15. best player of GT Leagues on
Bet365:?? magdy Plays better with teams Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid. Magdy won 42%
of the matches, lost 43% e tied?? 16% matches with an average of 2.62 goals scored and
2.64 goals conceded per match. 16. best player of GT?? Leagues on Bet365: nero Plays
better with teams Braga Fc and Sevilla Fc. Nero won 42% of the matches, lost?? 41% e tied
17% matches with an average of 2.92 goals scored and 2.88 goals conceded per match. 17.
best?? player of GT Leagues on Bet365: jack Plays better with teams Fiorentina and Inter.
Jack won 41% of the matches,?? lost 43% e tied 16% matches with an average of 2.67 goals
scored and 2.79 goals conceded per match. 18.?? best player of GT Leagues on Bet365:
panic Plays better with teams Paok and Napoli. Panic won 40% of the?? matches, lost 42% e
tied 18% matches with an average of 3 goals scored and 2.96 goals conceded per match.
?? 19. best player of GT Leagues on Bet365: votepeace Plays better with teams
Panathinaikos and Ajax. Votepeace won 40% of?? the matches, lost 43% e tied 17% matches
with an average of 2.96 goals scored and 3 goals conceded per?? match. 20. best player of
GT Leagues on Bet365: rafa Plays better with teams Athletic Club and Paok. Rafa won?? 40%
of the matches, lost 37% e tied 22% matches with an average of 2.39 goals scored and
2.3 goals?? conceded per match. See more in the top 20 players by subscribing to the
Premium plan.
About the ranking of the?? best e-soccer players
The ranking is updated
every day and is based on the winning percentage of the best e-soccer players?? present
at Bet365 in the last 3 months.
In addition to the ranking of Fifa players, on the home
page of?? the site you can also see player statistics.
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